Chapter 8 - Establish Yourself As An Expert Author
Once you have got over the initial hurdle of writing your first article, it will get a lot easier. You'll soon be writing several articles a day - if that's what you choose to do. The next step up is to gain recognition as an “expert author”. The main article directory Ezine Articles (and we'll be taking a look at the directories shortly) will offer “Expert Author” status once you have submitted a certain amount of quality articles.
Other directories have similar policies. This entitles you to use their “Expert Author” logo on your site. Yes I know, it sounds a little bit “prizes for everyone” and somewhat meaningless but you would be surprised by how many readers see you in a different light. You'll get emails totally out of the blue asking for your advice about the subject you wrote about.
Here's a slightly funny, but true story.
One of my first ventures into internet marketing was an affiliate site promoting 10 different blood pressure pills. No idea why I went into that, I have no personal or family experience of high blood pressure - thankfully.
I wrote about 30 different articles doing reviews on these pills, getting the information I needed from the manufacturer's web site. (In fact I'll be using one of those as an example article in Chapter 10). Now since I am not a doctor, and due to the nature of the product I was selling, I went out of my way to stress that in every case people should seek advice from their own physician.
I got loads of traffic, sometimes over 100 visitors a day which I thought was pretty good for a very niche market, and for my first attempt.
After a few days I started getting emails - “we really look forward to your articles”, “that's an interesting review, helped me out a lot thanks”, that sort of thing. Hmm, OK so far. Then I started getting emails along the lines “what do you think of such and such new drug that's just come out”, “would you recommend new Drug ABC that's just been
released here in New Zealand”, etc.
released here in New Zealand”, etc.
The interesting thing is that even though I hadn't set out with that intention, within
literally a fortnight I was seen by some as an “expert” in that field. (For those of you wondering what my replies were they were always the same - “ask your family doctor and not me!”). Obviously since I have no medical qualifications whatsoever I really didn't want to be seen as an expert on blood pressure.
literally a fortnight I was seen by some as an “expert” in that field. (For those of you wondering what my replies were they were always the same - “ask your family doctor and not me!”). Obviously since I have no medical qualifications whatsoever I really didn't want to be seen as an expert on blood pressure.
But the point I hope I am getting across to you is this - look how easy and how quickly you can be seen as an authority in a particular field. That's the power of article marketing. Naturally you should avoid “tricky” niches such as medical ones if you don't have the qualifications. However most subjects aren't like that, there isn't much to go wrong.
Mass Traffic Attack - Part 15.Keyword Research
Mass Traffic Attack - Part 26. Your Secret Weapon - How To Rewrite Articles
Mass Traffic Attack - Part 28. Rewriting PLR Articles
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