Friday, 7 October 2016

Mass Traffic Attack - Part 12

Chapter 3 - Writing Great Articles 
In my experience, the most important thing about writing any great article is NOT to think of it as “writing”, but to imagine instead that you are directly “speaking” one on one with somebody. This will come as great news to all the “non-writers” out there! Many of us are uncomfortable with the concept of writing; “article writing” conjures up images of well- known, highly-paid journalists penning their weekly piece in newspapers and magazines. 
What makes a great article depends on 2 things: 
1. How well you have researched the subject
2. Understanding the correct structure for the best articles 
If you have never written an article before, or if your stomach turns at the very thought, then reading the above 2 points aren't probably going to help that much! 
Before I got started writing articles I must have read just about every book on the subject. Almost all of them went way over my head; they seemed to be aimed at existing writers not complete novices like me. 
So that's why when I decided to put this guide together I have assumed 2 things 
1. You have never successfully written an article before
2. The very thought of it causes you, if not terror, then certainly downright anxiety 
If that isn't you, that's OK, you have a bit of a head start on everyone else! Anyway, let's take a closer look at the 2 factors I mentioned - structure and research. Once you
understand these 2 components you'll have everything you need to confidently write your first article. After that all the others will follow. 

Mass Traffic Attack - Part 26. Your Secret Weapon - How To Rewrite Articles
Mass Traffic Attack - Part 28. Rewriting PLR Articles 

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