Friday, 7 October 2016

Mass Traffic Attack - Part 17

Making Your Articles Keyword Rich 
Once you have obtained your keywords, you need to include them in your articles. As mentioned before, there is a big difference between enriching and stuffing. The search engines are clever enough to see when someone is trying to fool them. 
Insert your keywords in such a manner that they flow smoothly through the article, and follow the 1% to 3% keyword density rule closely. The general rule of thumb is to use one short 2-3 word keyword phrase, and two so-called “long tail keywords” of 4 or more words. 
Once you have obtained your keywords, you need to include them in your articles. As mentioned before, there is a big difference between enriching and stuffing. The search engines are clever enough to see when someone is trying to fool them. 
Insert your keywords in such a manner that they flow smoothly through the article, and follow the 1% to 3% keyword density rule closely. The general rule of thumb is to use one short 2-3 word keyword phrase, and two so-called “long tail keywords” of 4 or more words. 
Follow these simple rules and your articles will soon appear for the keywords that you’re targeting. 

So having taken care of that we can now focus on our articles. 

Mass Traffic Attack - Part 26. Your Secret Weapon - How To Rewrite Articles
Mass Traffic Attack - Part 28. Rewriting PLR Articles 

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